Biggest CDN Providers

Exactly how large is the internet today? Different sources say different things. But whatever the answer is, we know it’s expansive. In fact, the number of live websites there are today is estimated to have reached the 1.7 billion mark as of January 2020 alone. That’s a huge figure! Those numbers aren’t decreasing anytime soon, too, given that more brands are coming up with websites of their own. Fortunately, we have Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to thank. The world’s biggest CDN providers have made it easier for many internet users to access their favorite sites.
But are the biggest CDN providers really only the ones we should thank?
Considering how the CDN market has expanded, entrepreneurs with businesses of all scales are now able to find a provider that best suits their brand. Whether you’re looking for the fastest CDN or the cheapest CDN, you’re likely to find a provider the complements your digital needs if you thoroughly assess updated CDN comparison charts.
For this article, we’re explaining what you should look for when pitting the biggest CDN providers against each other. What components matter most? What elements distinguish a provider from the next? We’re writing down the top things you should factor in on a CDN comparison chart.
Biggest Content Delivery Network Providers 2021
It is a given fact that there are already a lot of content delivery networks available in the market.
Each CDN provider claims to have the best and the fastest CDN in the market compared to the others, and with all this noise, how can you choose a CDN service properly?
One of the best things you can do is to start with Top CDN providers in the market today.
It’s only logical to start with the biggest CDN providers because these companies have already years of experience in delivering CDN services in the market, not to mention a strong track record to beat.
If you keep on hearing things like: “Hey! We’re the fastest CDN provider in the market!” or “Hey! We’re the world’s best CDN provider to date!”, and are totally confused, then better step out from the noise for a moment.
For now, have a look at our list of the Top CDN companies in the market today, and see what’s really the best CDN provider for your business.
Top 5 Biggest CDN Providers in the Market
#1 BelugaCDN
In a world where big is always synonymous with being expensive, BelugaCDN enters to prove that 'big' can also be affordable. In fact, this CDN provider is not just affordable -- but ultra-affordable.
By having just ¼ of the price compared to its competitors, website owners can't help but notice this CDN provider from the other CDN services that vie for their attention.
Aside from the price, BelugaCDN also offers a 'No Long Term Contract,' which means that it wouldn't tie you with a very long contract like what the biggest CDN providers offer to their customers.
It also equips you with enterprise-grade features, free of charge.
When it comes to security, this CDN provider has built-in DDoS & website protection to ward off any threats that may hit your website.
With its paid service, it offers a 'pay-as-you-go' payment scheme that saves you from the worry of upfront payments - something that your budget would surely love!
Let's have a quick look at the other features that this CDN provider can offer:
- Instant Purging
- Live Video
- Video on demand
- IPV6 Network
- Large file delivery
- BelugaCDN Sonar™ (Real-Time Traffic Statistics)
It can seamlessly compete with the Top CDN providers in the market because, aside from being one of the fastest CDN today, its affordability doesn't compromise its quality, too.
With the only ¼ of the price compared to other CDN services but retains the same features found in them, this is the best time to consider this CDN provider.
#2 Akamai
Akamai is a CDN provider that can deliver 30 TB of content per second (let that sink in), making it one of the fastest CDN providers in the world today.
It currently operates in more than 180 countries, and for a bit of trivia, 85% of the content you see on the internet right now are delivered through Akamai’s services.
You see, it’s not included in our list of the biggest CDN providers in the market for nothing.
While its pricing plans are a bit more expensive than other CDN services, in return, you are guaranteed the services that they are to give you.
Here are the features of Akamai that you’ll surely love:
- Stable and reliable customer support
- Offers web security features
- Comes with advanced compression algorithms
- Accessible real-time reports
- Scaled networks on-demand
#3 KeyCDN
KeyCDN offers its clients almost the same services as Akamai, only on a smaller scale.
While it, too, is one of the biggest CDN providers today, it is a more affordable option for users who are working within a budget.
This CDN provider has a pay-as-you-use pricing scheme, which allows users to pay only for the services they’ve used.
Here are the features of KeyCDN that can surely benefit your business:
- Users can create many zones and use any data centers that they will want
- Support all major content management system
- Real-time reporting tools
- 30-day free trial
- Simple and easy-to-use interface
- Protection from hotlink attacks
- URL or key purge
- No fixed plan charges
#4 StackPath (formerly MaxCDN)
You have probably heard of StackPath as it is considered to be one of the biggest CDN providers since its release last 2009.
However, by simply subscribing and adding some amount, you can fully utilize the optimum performance of this CDN provider.
By subscribing, you’ll be able to have a GZip compression, instant SSL, GitHub integration, origin push, and instant purge and provisioning. It also provides you with a free CDN so you can test its basic features.
By being one of the biggest CDN providers in the world, it has the necessary resources to roll out competitive features in the market.
Here are the other features that you can get from StackPath:
- WordPress integration and with other content management systems, as well
- Easy to install
- User-friendly interface
- Gives real-time reports
- Offers affordable plans for its budget-conscious users
- Support for video files
- Extensive configuration options
#5 Cloudflare
Having 152 data centers around the world might be the best introduction for this CDN company, and that is one of the main reasons why it is considered one of the biggest CDN providers in the world.
Cloudflare has a secure two-factor authentication and gives you the option to block IP addresses based on what country they’re coming from.
It also allows you to use its basic features for free, but its most advanced security features can only be enjoyed through its paid version.
By being one of the biggest CDN providers in the world, you’ll be sure that Cloudflare has all the necessary technology to truly boost and secure your website, and change the course of your business in the process.
Here’s more of what you can enjoy with Cloudflare:
- It has SSL encryption and HTTPS
- It sends notifications related to Google Analytics problem
- Provides protection from SQL injections, comment spamming, content scraping, and DDoS attacks.
- Easy and fast set up
What Makes a CDN Provider Great?
Well, based on what we can see in the market today, the definition of ‘great’ leans on the performance side.
Though there’s nothing wrong when we see the biggest CDN providers pouring all their efforts to provide the best CDN services in the market, it seems that most of them are missing an important thing: the price.
Website owners are clamoring for a very affordable service but have all the high-end capabilities found from the biggest CDN providers in the market.
BelugaCDN heard it loud and clear; that’s why they rolled out a service that makes high-end features affordable for website owners.
Indeed, everybody wants the fastest CDN in the market, together with all its advanced features.
But what website owners would want even more is to have all these high-end features -- at a very affordable price.
Are Biggest CDN Providers Made Equally?
Given that the CDN community is diverse and dynamic, it’s safe to say that CDN providers aren’t made equally. Some specialize in certain features, while the advantage of others’ is their hundreds of data centers scattered around the globe. Still, there are a few things many—not all—of the biggest CDN providers have in common.
Expanded reach
Perhaps the best and first reason business leaders and web developers sign up with a CDN provider to start with is to reduce latency. You see, without CDNs, users are left to obtain web content from a site’s web host origin. If a user lives relatively near to wherever this origin server maybe, then this should be a problem. Say, your site’s host origin server is based in Singapore and your primary digital market is found in Hong Kong, for example. Because your users receive your web content from a relatively near origin server, they’re bound to consume your content breezily and without inconvenience. But when your main audience lives in Sweden, for instance, your Singapore-based origin server will take its toll on your users’ browsing speed.
This is where CDNs enter the picture. Because CDN servers are dispersed in strategic locations around the globe, your web data becomes readily available to your users, if the provider you sign up with has nearby Edge servers where your users are.
All that said, the biggest CDN providers remain on top because of their many Points of Presence. Still, that’s not to say your business will need every single one. Find out where your website needs to perform best in and choose a provider that has PoPs in the area.
Empathetic client services
One thing to always include in a CDN comparison chart is a provider’s client services (more commonly referred to as customer service). When you sign up with a provider, whether they be the fastest CDN or not, you willingly allow them to help distribute your web data. You’re going to want to make sure you can turn to a team of professionals who will take accountability, should anything go wrong. Customer service teams are designed to be people you can comfortably reach out to if you need help. Never undermine this aspect. Find out what people are saying about how responsive CDN providers are when it comes to their customer service. Many of the biggest CDN providers have fantastic reviews when it comes to this. Look them up online.
Why cheap CDN may be better than several of the biggest CDN providers
Many can claim to be the fastest CDN. But the truth is, any provider with a good number of locations can deliver speed. This is why knowing where your main audiences are helps narrow down your selection of providers.
Many times, cheap CDN can deliver in that aspect, too. For instance, here in BelugaCDN, we have 28 global PoPs and 9 Super PoPs. Check out where we are here. Although the biggest CDN providers indeed have hundreds of locations, your website isn’t going to need every possible location when you’re still starting out. This is why cheap CDN remains a solid option for many developers. Not only do you save more with affordable providers, but you also get similar, if not the same, CDN services and features.
The biggest CDN providers may vary from time to time, but customer service and the placements of PoPs are integral in maximizing your digital efforts.
For more information about how we can improve your website, contact BelugaCDN today!
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