Dedicated CDN
Using Dedicated CDNs for Online Efficiency
Content delivery networks, or CDNs, are no longer the best-kept secret of many successful enterprises, specifically businesses that reached global status like Netflix and AirBNB. Now, it’s your company’s turn to take on success the way these world-renowned companies achieved theirs, and your first step to do this is by getting the help of CDN hosting providers to set up CDNs for your use. But here’s a tip: use more than one CDN. While this may entail bigger payments and more efforts for maintenance, using dedicated CDNs for specific functions will boost your CDN experience. Using more than one CDN is actually a move by many companies. After all, CDN hosting providers have grown in number, and CDN providers are now easy to find. Using multiple CDNs helps in dictating to CDN providers how else you can use your CDNs for better productivity. We at BelugaCDN invite you to talk to CDN providers on how to use more than one CDN.
Your CDN hosting providers will show you a myriad of CDN locations to choose from. CDN providers are expected to be well-informed with the various areas that certain CDN architecture can reach, and which specific CDNs can be activated per location. Use dedicated CDNs to cater to specific areas of interest, as assisted by CDN providers. Your enterprise might have a different goal for choosing a dedicated CDN for this specific area. For example, one dedicated CDN may be used to bring the company website closer to a potential market, while another dedicated CDN is to assist remote coworkers. Ask CDN hosting providers as well on the profile of each CDN area. CDN providers may give statistics such as bandwidth profiles, density of the area’s internet-active population, and so forth. Make sure to work closely with CDN hosting providers in setting up dedicated CDNs per area. CDN providers will make sure dedicated CDNs will work well regardless of location.
Ask your CDN hosting providers as well about the use of dedicated CDNs per function. While utilizing a single CDN for all your company needs sounds like a quick solution to your need for CDN providers, there is a slight danger to it. If your are to use a singular CDN for website hosting, video streaming, image resizing, and so on, this CDN might be overloaded in the long run. With various processes to handle, it might be too difficult to manage, even for your CDN providers. A good remedy to this is to assign a dedicated CDN for each function. Not only will this help in bringing the cache queue down, but it will help in the dedicated CDN to only handle one task. Also, instead of CDN hosting providers having trouble managing the CDN’s activity, CDN providers will only handle the dedicated CDN’s singular function.
Using dedicated CDNs is also a security measure. CDN hosting providers will look over your dedicated CDNs so that unusual activity will be monitored. However, if a singular CDN is handling multiple tasks and multiple data types to cache, chances are there could be a data overload. This overload might send the CDN into a frenzy, and could be the downfall of a website that will have to shut down. This cache overload is also a tactic of DDoS attacks, which could render the website and the company server vulnerable to further security risks. However, using dedicated CDNs, may it be for various locations or specific functions, will keep the cache as a healthy level. CDN hosting providers may have the task of looking after multiple dedicated CDNs, but at least this is a better security measure rather than trusting only one CDN and the CDN hosting providers to always be kept on their toes when it comes to security maintenance.
Using dedicated CDNs for various purposes sounds like a good idea, and your enterprise can meet objectives sooner than you think. CDN hosting providers are waiting for you to approach them for your dedicated CDN needs. However, before going straight to CDN providers, why not drop by the BelugaCDN message board and ask us your burning questions first? This way, you are prepared with what questions to ask your potential CDN hosting providers, and these CDN providers will also have an easier time with coming up with the right answers. As dedicated CDNs will bestow upon you great help, we at BelugaCDN will dedicate our expertise to you as well.
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