What is flag icon CDN?

In this day and age, it’s amazing how more and more people are starting to embrace the power of diversity. Whether media visibility or necessary empowerment in the workplace, acknowledging the presence and contribution of our friends and family whose ethnicities are outside our own is warranted. Given that, more and more businesses are also starting to put a premium in letting inclusion thrive in their brands. Maybe this is why developers continue to look up “flag icon CDN” when crafting engaging and aesthetic websites.
When you’re determined to expand your brand on the digital scale, it’s crucial that you never neglect that many potential markets you could be attracting. Sure, you could be coming from the U.S. but if you have your eyes set on penetrating demographics outside your region, you’d want to be very specific and intentional with your efforts. This is also why many sites (and smartphone apps) now have dozens of flag icons on their homepages. They may not be the first strip of pictures you see, but they’re in there somewhere; mostly beside names in comment sections.
For this article, we’re talking about why flag icon CDN is much larger than you think, why putting flag icons in your site can elevate your game, and what to look for when considering CDN hosting providers.
Why do people search for flag icon CDN online?
Before anything else, it’s essential that people understand flag icon CDN isn’t exactly an actual piece of technology. These are two separate digital elements that may provide efficiency when combined together. According to cdnjs.com, ‘flag-icon-CSS’ is “a collection of all country flags in SVG (scalable vector graphics) — plus the CSS for easier integration.” That’s pretty much it, really. Anyone looking to include flags when they code or work on their site will find this trick to be incredibly useful.
There are many reasons for you to include flag icons both on your app and your website, and they’re mostly to acknowledge your foreign customers. The inclusion and visibility of flag icons on your digital spaces also give your brand that necessary push in making it feel more international. Naturally, if you serve only one country, you’re most likely to not really need flag icons. When you serve a lot, however, putting in the flag icons of the markets you wish to retain and acquire may come in handy; consider it an invitation of some sort, even.
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), on the one hand, are a bunch of servers placed in strategic locations around the globe. These servers, in return, take care of web data and distribute them much earlier on and more efficiently to users. That being said, websites and apps that have CDN hosting have the support of multiple servers and are more able to reach wider demographics of people. When your website doesn’t make use of CDN hosting, your site relies only on a single origin host; this can be a dangerous thing if you have a growing number of site visitors. When hundreds and thousands of people access your site simultaneously, your site could crash. Know that web host origins aren’t designed to accommodate high volumes of traffic. This is where CDN comes in. CDN hosting helps take the pressure off of origin hosts because they store and distribute your web content through their servers.
That being the case, CDN hosting providers can improve the browsing experience of your users much better, simply because of their inherent design and technology. Should your website be managed by a host origin based in, say, Sweden, only your European audience, if not solely Swedish, will enjoy fast loading speeds when accessing your website. However, with the help of CDN hosting, even users from other sides of the world get to experience the same browsing experience as those who live near the origin. This is because they now obtain your web data from the server nearest them, and not only through the host origin.
All these mentioned, those looking up ‘flag icon CDN’ on search engines want one clear, distinct thing: to hasten the loading speeds of their sites and to better display flag icons.
Is it time to get CDN hosting?
CDNs have become so huge and integral in all of the internet that it now handles more than 50% of the internet. Still, knowing when it’s best to actually sign up with a provider is crucial, too. Consider buying CDN only when your web traffic increases. After all, that is the primary goal of CDN hosting-to reduce latency for users wherever they may be in the world. Sites that have a ton of dynamic media will also find CDNs useful, as these kinds of websites naturally slow down the loading speed of web pages.
If you’re looking for a provider to back you up with your flag icon CDN efforts, give us a call.
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