The Introduction to Content Delivery Networks Guide to Prop Types CDN

CDN – Why Always Seeing the Acronym?
Probably, most of you are wondering and keep seeing this URL or in landing pages while navigating the search engines. However, it is not clicked and what exactly is this CDN?
Here, we provide some useful information about CDN as well as prop types cdn.
Introduction to CDN
CDN is known for Content Delivery Networks. It is networks of computers which delivers and provide the content. It is made of a bunch of servers assigned from the origin of servers and the content requested by users. The main purpose of this is to deliver a fast content by minimizing latency. The servers which also called as “Points of Presence” cache the content which also removes the heavy loads from its origin. CDN have several types and provides various types of services. CDN’s that are scattered aim is to scattered as many servers all over the world. Meanwhile, a consolidated CDN usually have fewer points and built in bigger ones for better performance.
Types of CDNs
We said that their primary purpose was to reduce latency and speed up rendering. But in the modern world of 2MB images and 500kb JavaScript libraries that take 3 minutes to boot up on websites, this latency matters little. But there are other purposes to CDNs, too, which evolved over time.
We mentioned that CDNs main purpose is to minimize latency and to deliver content faster. Let’s put it this way, today your 2MB images as well as your 500KB JavaScript libraries now only takes more or less 3 minutes to speed up websites. Well, then the latency matters. However, there are some other purposes of CDNs which also emerge.
The Content-Oriented CDNs
Originally, the CDNs are designed for static content such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Previously, you have to enforce the content as you created or uploaded as if it doesn’t need to update or caching your content – not as even someone requesting it.
Today, makers usually added the origin where content pulled and making it more automatic. This only means that whenever the user requested the CDNs URL, its website’s origin will pass on the URL automatically and caching whatever it got back. Moreover, the availability became significant. There are several CDNs caching websites in the last alive state, which means if the origin failed, the content is still accessible to users. This temporarily creates an illusion of stability until it goes back to normal.
Also, today’s CDNs usually provide auto optimization slabs that automatically resize images as well as saving as possible for future reference. This means if your website has 2MB header images and if you request for a 300 pixel wide screen, the CDN will provide a copy of 30KB in size and 300 pixels wide saving it for all mobile users, making the website faster to load.
Here, we like to share an example of prop types.
Usually, you can use the prop types to document the allotted property that is given to the components. For example, a react prop types cdn which checks the props passing on to the component facing those definitions also provide warnings if the development don’t match.
In terms you choose to exclude the prop types in your applications, instead you will use it globally via window.PropTypes, then it will provide a single file distributions where hosting the following CDN mentioned below.
<!-- development version -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- production version -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- development version -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- production version -->
<script src=""></script>
Prop Types Usage
The PropTypes originally determined as the values that are passed on via our props. A well-defined procedure which provides users with a layer of safety while running the apps. This also offers a pile of documentation to the consumer of our own elements. The purpose of the propTypes object is to identify the name of the props that we are validating. Meanwhile, the value is usually defined by the React.PropTypes object and/or the custom using a custom function.
Take note, the React.PropTypes object save a lot of validators covering all errors we encountered.
This also permits our own PropType validators in some cases.
React.PropTypes as Validators
This object contains lists of common validators. In case, the prop is passed on with an invalid or fail prop type, the warning is transmitted into the JavaScript console. And these warnings will appear in the development mode. Thus, if the maker accidentally spread the app to production with the improper use of the component, obviously the users of the app will not see the warning.
The React usually specifies the custom validation function in all other situations wherein the default validation functions won’t cover. Thus, to run or validate, the maker should specify the functions that will accept these following arguments such as;
- The props proceed to the component
- PropName is passed on and validated
- And the component name validated from
Meanwhile, if the validation process run through the function and return anything, the validation function will fail if the ERROR object is lifted.
The Security-Oriented CDNs
CDN is actually the outermost part of the website’s infrastructure. Also, the first receiver of traffic which is capable to detect DDos attacks and blocks them uses DDos server protection known as scrubbers. Scrubbers, without them will reach its origin servers and attacking it. In addition, by using the crowdsourced, the CDN is capable to trace up suspicious IPs, bots, spammers and even any types of crawlers. For instance, the scraper works on the website A will automatically identify and will stop working on the website B especially if that website is protected by the same CDN. This is because the traffic filter acknowledge the pattern which they had seen before.
Simultaneously, CDNs permits users to upload custom certificates which they also provide and it has two main purposes.
- The CDN respond quickly when huge vulnerability in the certificate appears, because they will lose some users. Thus, they fix it before users notice the problem.
- With custom certificates, connections become faster. When websites use the same CDN, you can establish a good connection and mutual trust with the CDN through using SSL certificate. The process doesn’t have to be repeated in each websites that uses that kind of CDN’s certificate. Often, this has no impact on individual website as much as it does for the whole websites.
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