"Is my CDN working?" And other related questions

We get it. Promises are meant to be broken and no matter how many times a service provider assures you of something, sometimes it doesn’t always work out the way as planned. If your website is connected to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), Google-searching “is my CDN working?” is understandable.
So whether it’s trust issues you have or solely the firm resolve to prove something to someone else, needing to check whether or not your CDN functions the way you expect it to is normal.
Quite frankly, if you’re using a free CDN, the chances are high that you might not always get the results you want. We do, after all, get what we pay for, right? If you’re using a private CDN, on the other hand, you can start by checking your CDN provider’s tools. BelugaCDN provides comprehensive and detailed real-time analytics so you know for sure how your site is going as they happen. It also helps that our IPv4 + IPv6 Dual-Stack Network makes your site much more secure and ready to face in the digital world.
But if you’re looking for a third-party instrument to help validate your worries (or confidence), Pingdom is an awesome website-monitoring software that can help you assess how your applications and servers working. Another CDN checker tool that’s become a crowd favorite for site owners is by CDNPlanet’s. Although it isn’t as extensive and all-inclusive as Pingdom, it offers quick results when you just want to know how your website speed is doing.
If anything, another equally simple alternative for you is to reach out to BelugaCDN’s customer service. Interestingly, it’s what we’re known for on top of many other positive things. A snappy visit to the consumer review website, TrustPilot, will tell you that many of our customers delight themselves in how responsive our client customer care department is! If there is anything you’re not so sure about in your CDN, call us and we’ll get things fixed.
What makes a good CDN?
Points of Presence
Because CDNs are designed to methodically deliver your web content to your end-users, it’s important that the CDN provider you choose has enough servers around the globe to reach your market. Remember that not every website caters to the same people, both figuratively and literally, so knowing where your main market is becomes helpful in choosing which CDN provider you close a deal with. That said, a good question you can ask a provider first is how many locations they’re present in.
BelugaCDN has 28 global POPs and 9 SuperPOPs. View the entire map in this link. If the CDN provider you’d like to work with isn’t present in a region your website is strongest at, ditch the idea. You don’t deserve to keep questioning “is my CDN working?” or not. Go to a CDN provider that can guarantee you only the best results.
Price will always be a deal-breaker for most entrepreneurs. While CDNs have proven to be a need, not every business decision-maker can splurge hefty amounts for the cloud. That established, we’re arguably the best CDN there is in that aspect. If you look at this part of our website, you can see that our competitors offer rates that are exponentially larger than ours! We’re a pay-per-usage CDN provider, so you’re spared from having to pay large amounts.
Here, You pay 1¢ (or less!) for every Gigabyte of data accelerated over our cloud network. our rates are incredibly transparent, too. If you exceed 5k requests per GB transferred (most users won't), an overage fee is assessed.
Customer Service
This is one we’ve already established in this write-up, but for what it’s worth, this needs to be mentioned here, as well. When you sign up with a CDN provider, there might be things you won’t understand in the beginning. Am I doing it right? Is this supposed to be like this? For the nth time, is my CDN working? When are results going to reflect my expectations? All these questions are fine and first-time CDN users are bound to think of these things. Look for a CDN provider that isn’t afraid to tell you the truth and whose transparent enough to talk to you about original solutions.
As mentioned, we pride ourselves on a stellar customer service team that delivers in a friendly and competitive fashion. As with many other service agencies, basic support is included for all accounts and platinum accounts receive priority.
It’s high time you consider getting a CDN for your website. If you’re interested in how you can get a free trial with us, click here!
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