Server Traffic Management Through a Traffic Control CDN

You’ve probably heard about the many benefits of a content delivery network. It has a lot of benefits particularly for businesses, in forwarding their various causes. Through CDNs, enterprises are able to bring their websites closer to more potential customers, especially that edge servers are spread in many locations across the globe. However, with the capacity to welcome more and more website visitors might come the need for server traffic management. In this case, you might have to upgrade your CDN experience into using a traffic router in the form of a traffic control CDN.
What’s a Traffic Control CDN?
A traffic control CDN is a specialized edge server that will handle server management traffic for your company website. A traffic router is needed with the activation of a CDN to bring your website to more locations; exposure to more potential website visitors is assured. While this bodes well for your business, this will mean more visitors who will go through various content of your company website. A heightened need for server traffic management will surely happen. While yes, this can be managed manually, being a human traffic router will entail you to look at a multitude of numbers during monitoring. Statistics such as traffic volume per hour, number of web visitors, locations and bandwidth issues: all these will induce a server traffic management headache. A traffic control CDN will take all of these characteristics and act as a traffic router for all visitors. As a traffic router, it will identify the location and bandwidth of each visitor; through a series of applications and processes, the traffic router will direct the website visitor to the closest CDN that will best deliver the website content. The traffic control CDN will also assist in caching enough data for all CDNs the website is using, so that each website visitor will be directed to the best CDN that will serve it. As a tool for server traffic management, the traffic control CDN will function as an efficient traffic router, so that the website will run smoothly, and all end users (that means you and the customers you serve through the website) are satisfied.
But CDNs Already Do That, Right?
A CDN does facilitate data distribution for all website visitors and other end users, but as a solo CDN, it can only rely on its own capacities. A traffic control CDN will be able to utilize multiple CDNs through server traffic management. A CDN can simply cache a lot of data to cater to a multitude of visitors, but that means it will only use one cache. As a traffic router, the traffic control CDN will perform server traffic management using various CDNs in various locations. As a traffic router, it will analyze the location of the visitor, pull data using the CDN, and lead the visitor to a nearer CDN that can bring the data faster and easier. While the CDN is powerful in closing the gap between the netizen going to the website and the company’s home server, as a traffic router, the traffic control CDN will direct data and the netizen to a better environment for interaction. That’s more keen server traffic management beyond one CDN only.
What Else Can It Do?
Server traffic management is also key for certain security measures. As a traffic router, the traffic control CDN may stay on guard with DDoS attacks. Perpetrators of the DDoS attack will pepper the website with data requests, until the website becomes too heavy with cached data, that it has no other choice but to shut down. The traffic control CDN, once it detects excessive requests for data, will use its functions as a traffic router, to either dispel these data requests, or optimize as many CDNs as possible to reach this request. Using server traffic management, the traffic control CDN will simply respond to all of these requests, produce enough data, route these requests to their respective closest CDNs, and grant the requests. In this case, the DDoS attack is not successful, and your website is safe. Server traffic management is not only for traffic routers to lead the way for website visitors, but also for security purposes.
Do these purposes for the traffic control CDN entice you? Do you think your company will benefit with further means for server traffic management through a traffic control CDN? Hit us up at BelugaCDN, and we’ll fill you in with all the info you need about traffic control CDNs and server traffic management
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