What is Content Delivery Network?

If there’s a question entrepreneurs should be asking these days, it’s, “what is content delivery network and how can I benefit from it?”
If you run your own brand, you know for sure how investing in digital efforts can only do you good. At today’s pace, you know for sure, too, how delivering quality content within premium speed is important. After all, so many industries now function online. From streaming all kinds of video content to shopping for furniture, toys, books, and basically everything else money can touch, people conduct businesses online now. As a result, e-commerce, entertainment, and social media have risen to be three of the strongest industries to date.
So how exactly do content delivery networks contribute to business leaders?
How does CDN work?
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are groups of servers that are distributed in strategic locations all around the world to extend cached versions of various websites to their respective visitors. These servers get their content from the origin servers and simply cache updated versions of the existing content to deliver to a website’s visitors wherever they may be. In other words, the server nearest a website visitor is what provides what the user sees online.
This aids in bridging the geographic gap between visitors and a site’s origin server. For example, a visitor from Thailand can gain immediate access to websites that are hosted by origin servers based in, say, France. Because distance largely defines how latency functions, having clusters that are spread out accordingly help improve the page speed for users.
Here are 3 reasons why entrepreneurs should invest in CDNs
Enhanced website performance and improved latency
As established earlier, utilizing a CDN for your business site improves latency. This is largely because your site is made accessible beyond only the origin server. This is all thanks to your site’s now-improved Points of Presence (POPs); the technology responsible for casting a vaster geographic reach.
When a site visitor requests for certain media, it makes only fewer network hops as opposed to having to travel all the way to the origin server. BelugaCDN is a terrific example of a CDN provider that satisfies those needs. With strong customer reviews online, it’s something every website owner should try.
Improved user experience
Ultimately, the goal of a CDN is to deliver a top-notch digital experience to site visitors. Speed being the clearest advantage, business owners running their own websites can benefit from better clickthrough performances, a reduced bounce rate, and potentially, better conversions.
To anyone serious about dominating the web, these aspects are what bring the important figures. Whether you run a thriving, personal blog, or an e-commerce business, improving your users' overall website experience is a solid investment. When your site is incredibly slow, users won’t just move forward with looking at your competitors’ site, they’ll also most likely not return to your website anymore.
Makes your site SEO-friendly
Not too long ago, media giant, Google announced that a site’s speed would start affecting how they’d fair in search engine rankings. This makes a lot of sense considering how it wouldn’t be fair to have slow-loading sites appear first when you look something up in search engines.
With the help of great CDNs through efficient CDN providers, faster websites are achieved. This alone already adds so many points in the SEO department. The quicker your webpages load and the more effectively they deliver content, the higher your site's chances of climbing up the SERPs race.
Who Should Use a CDN?
While the technology behind CDN is fascinating, it also isn’t for everyone. At least not right away. If you’re curious as to whether or not it’s something your business should jump right into in immediacy, we’ve rounded out what kind of industries find CDNs ultra helpful even as they start.
Government — content-loaded websites carry a lot of vital information; especially when they're about the government. Whether a country’s own citizens or those looking into migration and vacation terms and legalities, government sites have to be quick and efficient.
E-commerce — when you sell products that ship worldwide, it’s important your coverage reaches exactly that, too. CDNs are advantageous to sites that provide global services. Calendar events such as the holidays and Black Fridays can slow your origin server. CDNs counter that.
Media — social media and entertainment networks such as Facebook, Netflix, and Youtube, to name a few, all rely on CDNs. As they cater to audiences of all ages, locations, and beliefs, having backup content in every part of the globe is integral for businesses such as these. Whether you run a budding digital magazine or having streaming content you’d like for the world to enjoy, CDNs are integral for your brand.
For more information about who the best CDN provider is and what the leading services CDN providers offer, visit BelugaCDN.com now!
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